"... being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” [Philippians 1:6]

Lambs becoming Lions
He said that he would never leave you or forsake you. We know it to be true.
We were dwindling embers of men, barely hanging in there. Surrounded by the collateral damage of broken relationships, hurting wives, and confused children. However, after attending the Wild at Heart UK gathering 14 years ago and being fathered through men's boot camps at Chorley Chapel, Shropshire; we few men, decided to share the treasures we have found with anyone who would come and listen. Our aim is to help fan the sparks in men's hearts, encourage you with our stories, restore hope, and see men transformed from lambs to lions, men who are whole-hearted and true.
'Rise and rise again until lambs
become lions'.
'Heaven must welcome Him until the times of the restoration of all things, which God spoke about by the mouth of His holy prophets from the beginning. [Acts 3:21]'
God is in the restoration business. What is He restoring? The answer is ALL things and that restoration includes the hearts of men, bringing us back into fellowship with Him and more than that - the healing and revealing of our whole man.
The trinity needs our attention and longs for our response. There is so much noise in our lives, so much clammer, and far too many demands. Jesus took the weight of the world and yet many of us believe it is still ours to carry. Something needs to shift in us and we need to turn back. It's going to take focus, it's going to take a decision to step away from what we have known and get our bearings again. That kind of time doesn't offer itself up easily. We have to be deliberate if we want to find our heart again, to find out who we really are.......
Brothers, there is SO MUCH MORE!

Joe Robinet, Becoming Wild in Wabakimi series 2021(Youtube)
Seek and you WILL find
To find our hearts we must venture out. We MUST look for the ancient paths! The bootcamps and retreats we run require something of you, to step out and make a deliberate move away from 'stuck'! As we journey outwardly, we give permission to God to enter inwardly. You may not be fully comfortable in the company of other men, but you won't be alone in that. Perhaps everything you have feared about being exposed as a fraud or 'not a real man' was sown in your heart to keep you from becoming the man you really are? 'Boot Camps' are an invitation to step into a bigger life - one of adventure, yes and sometimes peril, but a chance to reconnect with the promise of abundant life, our true heart from which life issues forth.
The Ancient Paths
Based on the books of John Eldredge, Morgan Snyder, and the ministry of Wild at Heart, BASIC Bootcamp and the Becoming a King Retreat are invitations to join like-hearted men for a long weekend to discover your heart through teaching, story, film excerpts, and reflection. Please get in touch to register your interest and we will send out our information document and booking form to you as soon as we confirm the dates. We are anticipating another retreat/bootcamp in the Autumn of 2024.
Two Streams, One treasure
What is the Bootcamp BASIC?
Wild at Heart Basic gives you the opportunity to give God the opportunity, to encourage and equip you in a very real and deliberate way and it starts with unplugging from the world. It is scripture-based but not pandering to tradition or the worst aspects of religion.
The most important thing you need to know is that Jesus is central and that you are encouraged to seek Him throughout. Why? Because only the God-head is qualified to deal with your heart and only He knows your true story.
BASIC is: several days of exploring through talk, fellowship, film, and immersion into God’s creation - in search of your heart and allowing the Spirit of God to set you free from discouragement and the things that have held you back from the fullness of life that Jesus’ promises.

What is the Becoming a King Retreat?
The Becoming a King Retreat is a transformational men’s event curated and distilled over decades by Morgan Snyder and the Wild at Heart team. Through powerful video sessions, interactive story groups, and a guided rhythm of engagement, reflection, and relationship, the BAK retreat immerses you and the men in your community in this transforming message.
Every boy knows he was made to be powerful. Yet the headlines often confirm what we know too well from our own stories: the anguished consequences of masculine power gone awry.
Masculinity is in need of restoration. But what is the way, and how can we find it? The Becoming a King Retreat provides a sacred context to explore the path and process of becoming transformed men God can gladly entrust with power and the care of his Kingdom.
I was eager to attend a WAH Basic Bootcamp. Stiperstones Chapel and the woodlands nearby are a superb location for the event. Rob is a generous leader, sensitive to the needs of the men and experienced in leading groups through the often uncharted terrain of mens' hearts. I formed new friendships that I hope to nurture over the coming months and years as we pursue God and recover our hearts together."

Please make contact with Lambs becoming Lions.